Seedcamp Podcast, Episode 64: Krishna Gupta, Romulus Capital, building companies to last

In the ‘Seedcamp Podcast Series’ we talk with key people in the tech startup industry to hear their stories and gleam key advice and learnings from their experiences.

Krishna Gupta, Founder and General Partner of Romulus Capital, joined Seedcamp in Boston on our recent US Trip. Krishna founded Romulus in 2008 whilst studying at MIT. He formed the fund to plug the gap between angel investments and big funds, creating a firm to help build early-stage businesses. In our interview he discusses his entrepreneurial nature and young career that lead to Romulus and his views on the current state of the Seed stage investment market. He also gives his key advice for foreign companies looking to expand to the US and why more startups should be thinking about longer term business plans when scaling.

Krishna founded Romulus Capital while an undergrad with the intent of building technology businesses out of the MIT and Harvard ecosystems. Over the years he has worked across many industries, leading Romulus to regularly be the first institutional partner of seed-stage companies. He particularly enjoys partnering with companies with a B2B angle and innovative technology or science at the core of their value proposition.

Prior to Romulus, Krishna spent time at McKinsey & Company and JPMorgan, where he helped execute billion-dollar M&A deals in technology, media, and telecom. He has also conducted physical chemistry research at the University of Chicago and the Weizmann Institute in Israel, produced a film on ancient history in England used at Oxford and Cambridge, adventured in conflict zones in India, and competed at the USA Mathematics Olympiad. He’s a keen sports fan (football, basketball, tennis, and cricket), is a student of political and military history, and finds the arts a great way to relax and discover.

Krishna received SB degrees in Materials Science and Engineering and Management Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a graduate of Phillips Academy Andover.

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