
Guest Post: Beta-i & Mini Seedcamp Lisbon


Mini Seedcamp Lisbon has historically displayed great and talented teams, that have joined the Seedcamp family: Hole 19, CrowdProcess, Qamine, and SimpleTax. We are looking very much forward to partnering with Beta-i  to host Mini Seedcamp Lisbon 2013


Guess what? Seedcamp has already chosen the 12 startup participants of the Mini Seedcamp Lisbon at the Beta-I headquarters.

These 12 lucky ones are going to be accelerated up through master classes, networking and immediate feedback to their pitches from the Seedcamp team and international investors on September 26th at Central Station. This is going to be huge!

Find out more about the top 12:

  1. CASHTAG (Lisbon, Portugal)
  2. COPILOT (Madrid, Spain)
  3. DR. PHI (Lisbon, Portugal)
  5. OMNIPASTE (Romania)
  6. PARCELMIX (Lisbon, Portugal)
  7. STARTUP DASHBOARD (Lisbon, Portugal)
  8. TUIZZI (Oporto, Portugal)
  9. Unbabel (Lisbon, Portugal)
  10. WHALE (Lisbon Portugal)
  11. WIZDEE (Coimbra, Portugal)
  12. ZERCATTO (Oporto, Portugal)

Beta-i, a non-profit organization promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, plays a key role on bringing Seedcamp to Lisbon. Beta-i is organizing Explorers Festival where the brightest founders, artists, designers, astronauts, social entrepreneurs, big wave surfers and the most amazing explorers will meet in Lisbon, November 2013. Check it out Explores Festival!Enhanced by Zemanta

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