Looking East: Seedcamp Partners with Hong Kong’s blueprint Accelerator

Over the past seven years our mission has been to help European founders build global tech companies. With the bi-annual US Trip and a new office in the Bay Area, we’ve developed strong bridges into the US to help Seedcamp startups raise funds and enter the US market faster and stronger.

We’re excited to continue our global approach of helping startups, this time looking east to Asia; and we’re thrilled to have partnered with Hong Kong’s new blueprint accelerator and workspace.

Blueprint blueprint is a new space powered by Swire Properties. Over 20,000 square feet across two floors, blueprint will house over 200 co-workers on one floor and run an accelerator for 20 b2b startups per year on another floor. The teams joining the accelerator will benefit from a network of mentors, investors and partners developed specifically to help b2b startups in Asia. Seedcamp will head to Hong Kong twice a year to run workshops with the accelerator’s teams and mentor startups from the region.

For Seedcamp companies looking to expand to Asia, blueprint will be an excellent landing pad where they can immediately plug into a space and strong network, and move with speed and intelligence into the Asian market.

Teaming up with a partner that shares our vision for working together across borders to help give founders a hand building their life’s work is important to us. This partnership is particularly in-line with this ethos as our very own former Investment Manager, Hilary Szymujko, will run the accelerator program at blueprint.

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