The message is reaching its audience

It’s a great feeling when you’re working hard to get a few messages across and you reach a point when you can see your target market starting to pick them up. As Seedcamp grows up, we’ve been evolving our mission and our communication and it’s taking hold.

We’ve been positively astounded by the over 100 applications submitted to the Mini Seedcamp London and from the wide distribution of countries where they are coming from: Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Estonia, Denmark, Romania, Hungary, France, Gibraltar, Russia, and even Australia. Thanks for the interest and good luck to all teams. The competition will be fierce and that’s a great thing!!

  • Diversity is great and we’ve been encouraging teams that no matter where they are that they should apply to a regional mini Seedcamp that fits them best in terms of ease of reach, timing for their business, and market they are going after
  • A French team that came to Tel Aviv, a Romanian team to Paris, and the Estonian, Hungarian, and Lithuanian teams that drove 6 hours to Warsaw all would agree that they benefited enormously. And they have impressed us with their drive and passion
  • It’s not just about the money. Seedcamp is even more benefical for the network it opens up to you and the immeansely valuable practical advice you get. You can’t buy that kind of attention and focus from such a relevant and experienced group
  • Increasingly, as teams presenting at Mini Seedcamp share with us, they’d off course like to win and get funded, bu they’re there to be challenged about their business, product, model, and off course to get that extra boost of confidence that 30-40 very bright people vetting your idea can give you.

So, we’ll keep pushing these messages and thanks to the 60 teams from all over Europe and Israel that we’ve already met in 2009 and who’ve helped us spread this message. To those who missed this round, please apply to Helsingborg or Ljubljana in the next few weeks.

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