Mini Seedcamp Mumbai mentors and venue

We are looking forward to Mini Seedcamp Mumbai – only two weeks away! Until today we have received a great bunch of team applications and mentoring sessions are set to be top-class. Why? Because we have an all star team of mentors from around the globe coming to mentor the rising entrepreneurial stars of India and the rest of Asia.

Seedcamp-2010Image by Seedcamp Photos via Flickr

We would like to introduce you a few of the mentors who are coming to Mumbai:

To get an even better idea of the quality of our mentors, check out the list of who has joined us at the past events.

One more thing we would like to announce today is the venue of Mini Seedcamp Mumbai. The event will take place at the Mumbai Educational Trust. We are already super excited about it and can hardly wait to board the plane and see the teams in India.

If you haven’t applied with your startup already, do so here until Monday! When selected, you will get a full day of mentoring, feedback and advice – nothing to miss out on. If you are still undecided – check out what our friends from Eyes and Feet had to say about Seedcamp Singapore.
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