Unrivalled network.
Unfiltered advice.
Unwavering support.
We strive to be the best partner to you and your company from day one. With our portfolio that stands at 500+ companies strong; the ever-growing Seedcamp Nation is an unrivalled ecosystem of capital and talent from across Europe and the US. From finding your first hires or customers to developing your G2M strategy or navigating international expansion, our carefully curated in-house team work alongside you to help solve your biggest challenges, leveraging our expansive network and multiple decades of expertise to help you shortcut key learnings.
Our Founders get access to our unique platform of support along with one of the most powerful aspects of the Seedcamp Nation: our Founder Community. With some of the largest raises in Europe, public listings (UiPath, NYSE:PATH; Wise, LON:WISE) acquisitions by major companies and multi-billion dollar valuations, our startups go on to build big, global businesses.
Our Founders get access to our unique platform of support along with one of the most powerful aspects of the Seedcamp Nation: our Founder Community. With some of the largest raises in Europe, public listings (UiPath, NYSE:PATH; Wise, LON:WISE) acquisitions by major companies and multi-billion dollar valuations, our startups go on to build big, global businesses.