
Showing 114 Podcasts with tag Founders

Prof. Luke O’Neill on the intersection of academia and health tech

Prof. Luke O’Neill on the intersection of academia and health tech


Pinning down Financial Crime with the Founders of Salv and Resistant AI

Pinning down Financial Crime with the Founders of Salv and Resistant AI


Legal Hour - The 6 make or break legal issues to consider when starting a company

Legal Hour - The 6 make or break legal issues to consider when starting a company


The Future of Health Care with the Founders of MedAll & Doctorly

The Future of Health Care with the Founders of MedAll & Doctorly


Unity Founder, David Helgason, on the journey from young developer to democratising game development

Unity Founder, David Helgason, on the journey from young developer to democratising game development


The Future of Health with the founders of Sano Genetics & Humanity

The Future of Health with the founders of Sano Genetics & Humanity


Carmen Alfonso Rico on thesis-driven VCs, #CustomerLove and the immense value of brand and community

Carmen Alfonso Rico on thesis-driven VCs, #CustomerLove and the immense value of brand and community


How businesses can win public-sector contracts with Stotles

How businesses can win public-sector contracts with Stotles


The future of investment with Uncapped and Tech London Advocates

The future of investment with Uncapped and Tech London Advocates


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