Seedcamp Podcast, Episode 42: Bay McLaughlin on the Hidden Secrets of Hardware Investing

In the ‘Seedcamp Podcast Series’ we talk with key people in the tech startup industry to hear their stories and gleam key advice and learnings from their experiences.

In this edition of the Seedcamp Podcast Series focused on Asia, Carlos Espinal continues his discussion about the asian investment ecosystem with Bay McLaughlin, co-founder of

In particular, they focus on the challenges for hardware entrepreneurs in penetrating this geography and what are the best ways to do it successfully. Bay McLaughlin has supported technology startups for the last decade. Over half of this time was spent at Apple as a founding team member of their global SMB channel. The other half of his career has been spent inside of or founding startups, two of which failed, one of which exited successfully. Most recently, he has co-founded, a hardware investment fund and platform to bring the next wave of connected technologies to retail shelves around the world.

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