Expert advice on building and improving your backend.
- Aaron Wadler, Opsworks, (San Francisco 11)
- Adam Connors, Google, (SC08)
- Adam Smith, (San Francisco 11)
- Adrian Blunt, Nusantara Ventures, (Singapore 10)
- Ahti Heinla, Ambient Sound Investments, (SC10)
- Aleks Jakulin, Ganxy, (New York 11 Tour)
- Allwin Agnel, (Mumbai 10)
- Alon Carmel, Devunity, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Amnon Dekel, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Andy Parsons, Happify, (New York 11 Tour)
- Anil Madhavapeddy, Ashima Group, (SC09)
- Anthony Hicks, paypal, (SC09, SC10, London 11)
- Anthony Hsiao, Sapna Infotech Solutions, (Mumbai 10)
- Ben Pashkoff, Sun Microsystems, (Tel Aviv 09, Tel Aviv 10)
- Bernard Seco, Ohlala Mobile, (Barcelona 10)
- Blaine Cook, BT, (SC09)
- Borut Kumperscak, UNIKI intelligent media development, (Zagreb 10)
- Brian Aker, Sun Microsystems, (SC08)
- Bruno Fonzi, (San Francisco 11)
- Cal Henderson, Flickr, (SC08)
- Christian Heilmann, Mozilla, (SC08)
- Christine Moon, Google, (Silicon Valley 10)
- Christophe Maire, Nokia gate5, (SC08, Berlin 09, SC09, Berlin 10, SC10)
- Cornelius Rabsch,, (Berlin 10, Berlin 11)
- Corrado Tomassoni, paypal, (SC10, London 11)
- Daniel Franc, Unisona Studio, (Prague 10)
- David Lenehan, Polldaddy, (SC08)
- David Axmark, MySQL, (SC08)
- David Boloker, IBM, (SC08)
- David Ong, Independent Consultant, (Singapore 10)
- Donna Romer, (New York 11 Tour)
- Dr. Christian Kapteyn,, (London 08, Berlin 08)
- Eldad Farkash, SiSense, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Elliot Jaffe, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Emi Gal, Brainient, (Prague 10, London 11)
- Emma Loisel, Visbion, (SC10)
- Eric Mahe, Sun Microsystems, (Paris 08)
- Etai Shay, GKH&Co., (Tel Aviv 10)
- Eyal Gura, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Fred Destin, Atlas Venture, (SC08, SC09, SC10, London 08, Barcelona 10, Paris 08)
- Fred Stevens-Smith, Rainforest, (Seedhack 2011, SC11)
- Gadi Guy, Google, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Gary Teo, (Singapore 10)
- Gavin Starks, Dgen, (SC08, SC09, SC10)
- Gilad Raichshtain, Genacast Ventures, (New York 11 Tour)
- Govind Rammurthy, Microworld, (Mumbai 10)
- Greg Jakacki, Codility, (Prague 10, SC10)
- Haggai Yedidya, Secure Erasure, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Hasan Veldstra, Hypernumbers, (SC08)
- Ian Collingwood, Uxdna, (Paris 10, Copenhagen 10, London 11)
- Iqbal Gandham, Addpiks, (London 11)
- Itai Zilbershtein, Avaya Israel, (Tel Aviv 10)
- Jaan Tallin, Skype, (SC08)
- Jakub Krzych,, (Warsaw 09, Prague 10, SC10)
- James Aylett, Kittens with Jetpacks, (SC08, London 09, SC09)
- James Cronin, Venda, (SC08, SC09)
- Jan Stanek, Prague Business Office, (Prague 10)
- Jeff Reynar, Sulia, (New York 11 Tour)
- Jeff Piper, (Silicon Valley 11)
- Jeff Bowen, Facebook, (Silicon Valley 10, San Francisco 10)
- Jishnu Bhattacharjee, Nexus, (Mumbai 10)
- Juan Margenat, Plan B, (Barcelona 10)
- Klaus Konrad, Intel Capital, (Prague 10)
- Kris Hiiemaa, ERPLY, (SC10)
- Kyle McGinn, Reevoo, (London 09, SC09)
- Kyle Bragger, Forrst, (New York 11 Tour)
- Lior Kesos, Linnovate, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Lukas Fittl, Efficient Cloud, (SC09, Berlin 10)
- Lukasz Lach, Gadu-Gadu S.A., (Warsaw 09)
- Marc Escobosa, Arena Solutions, (San Francisco 11)
- Mario Menti,, (SC09)
- Matt Pope, Microsoft, (SC09)
- Matt Biddulph, Nokia, (SC08, SC09, London 08, Berlin 11)
- Matthew Pontefract, Rethought-Solutions, (SC08)
- Mauro Montanaro, Jamba! GmbH, (Singapore 10)
- Michael Mahemoff, Google, (London 11)
- Micki Scheinbach, AfterDox, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Miroslav Vukovic, 4AM Technologies Ltd., (Zagreb 10)
- Nick Halstead, TweetMeme, (SC10)
- Nicolai Wadstrom, (Silicon Valley 11)
- Nimrod Lehavi, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Niv Efron, Google, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Ofer Shani, CONNECTOR MEDIA, (Tel Aviv 09)
- Peter E. Rasenberger, Rasenberger Toschek AG, (Berlin 11)
- Phil Marsden, Softwire Technology Limited, (SC09)
- Phil Cowans,, (SC09, SC10)
- Philippe Cazaubon, Data Robotics, (Singapore 10)
- Remy Amouroux, Teorem, (Paris 08, Paris 09)
- Richard Healy, Basekit, (SC09, SC10)
- Richard Banfield, Web-o-Matic, (SC10)
- Robert Gaal, Wakoopa, (SC08, SC09)
- Ruediger Zarnekow, Berlin Institute of Technology, (Berlin 10)
- Sahil Parikh, Sygnage, (Mumbai 10)
- Sameer Pitalwalla, Times, (Mumbai 10)
- Scott Rutherford, Uservoice, (SC09)
- Sidi Ariff, The Walt Disney Company, (SC10)
- Simon Cast, ProductCamp London, (SC10)
- Simon Cross, Facebook, (London 11)
- Simon Maynard, Bugsnag, (San Francisco 13)
- Simon Willison, Freelance, (SC08)
- Simone Brunozzi,, (Singapore 10)
- Stefan Magdalinski,, (SC08, Johannesburg 10)
- Steve Jackson, CyberSports, (Barcelona 10, SC10)
- Steven Willmott, 3scale Networks, (SC10)
- Stowe Boyd,, (New York 11 Tour)
- Sutha Kamal, Massive Health, (Silicon Valley 11)
- Taro Franke, petsicon, (Berlin 10)
- Thomas Grota, T-Venture, (SC09, Copenhagen 10)
- Tim Cox, Google, (SC08)
- Tim Rosenblatt, (San Francisco 11)
- Toon Coppens, Netlog, (SC08)
- Tristan Kromer, (San Francisco 11)
- Wayne Yamamoto, Blip.FM, (SC09)
- Wojtek Sobczuk, SA, (Warsaw 09)
- Wojtek Podgurski, Lefora, (Warsaw 09)
- Yaniv Golan, Yedda/AOL, (Tel Aviv 09, SC09, Tel Aviv 10, Tel Aviv 11)
- Yaron Carni, Tel Aviv Angels, (Tel Aviv 09, Tel Aviv 10, Tel Aviv 11)
- Yossi Sela, Gemini, (Tel Aviv 11)
- Zaheed Haque,, (SC08)